Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gimme Gimme Gimme!

I'm coming for you, Rome ..... and your little wolf too!

I came across someone the other day asking for “reparations” for slavery.  Now there is no doubt that slavery is wrong, insidious and reprehensible no matter where or when it occurs.  Since it is now and has always been inherently wrong, there is no reason to believe that is more reprehensible in one historical era than another.  However, the argument made by some individuals today that there should be an award for damages or “reparations” for the past wrongs done their ancestors may have merit for us all.  I say this since virtually every ethnicity on this planet has been at some point someone’s slave.

As a full blooded Sicilian I can claim ancestry to the peoples of Carthage (Northern Coast of Africa), Greece, Phoenicia and God only knows where else.  The owners of my ancestors were most likely Roman, though force servitude also existed under the English, Spanish and French as everyone had their fingers in the Sicilian pie.  This having been said allow me to make my demands now for “reparations.”  They are simple and fair,.

 From the Romans, I should like a Villa near San Gimignano with full free board and spa privileges at Saturnia.

 From the French, I am requesting an apartment at least 750 Sq. Meters in size in the Latin Quarter or Montmartre.

From the Spanish, I’ll be asking for tapas, lots of tapas whenever I want them.

From the English, well, I just want them to go away, but leave Shakespeare and Monty Python.

 OK, so there are my demands on behalf of my ancestors who suffered under the yoke of slavery at the hands of foreigners who usurped their rights and assaulted their humanity. Tobe will be handling the details, so come on Rome, France, Spain and England – get with it – chop – chop!

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